What connects entangled photons? published in IJQF

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What connects entangled photons? published in IJQF

Post by Esail »

Models based on the fact that the partners of an entangled pair share the same value of a statistical parameter cannot explain teleportation and entanglement swapping because the partner particles of the resulting entangled states after a teleportation or an entanglement swapping never had contact before. The question then is, what connects entangled photons?

This question has been analyzed in a paper now published by the International Journal of Quantum Foundations.

This paper presents a local realistic model that reproduces the quantum mechanical predictions for expectation values with polarization measurements, but is not based on shared statistical parameters. Instead, the coupling of the entangled particles is based on initial conditions and conservation of spin angular momentum. The model refutes Bell's theorem and also explains teleportation and entanglement swapping in a local way. It is also shown which error in Bell's derivation leads to Bell's inequality failing to correctly describe the relationships between expectation values from quantum mechanics.
The paper is available at